News and Notice

We are seeking talented and motivated experimentalists to join our group. If you would like to be considered for the JSPS fellowship or other scholarship, please check the latest information on Graduate School of Science(Osaka Univ.), JSPS or contant direcrly to H. Tanaka (hrtanaka@) via e-mail.
The Lab. events page has been opened.
The English has been renewed.
A short video for nanopore sensing (Japanese).

Come join us

We are seeking talented and motivated experimentalists to join our team.

Taniguchi group may accept a few graduate students who will conduct basic research on single-molecule measurement using nano-pores and nano-gaps.

To become a graduate student at Taniguchi Lab, you must be a student at Osaka University's Graduate School of Science.

Currently, we are not offering postdoctoral positions.

If you wish to be considered for a JSPS Research Fellowship or other positions, please refer to the latest information on Osaka University's website or JSPS.

For inquiries regarding applications or to discuss potential projects in more detail, please contact H. Tanaka directly via email (hrtanaka@) for further information.

Please consult the latest information on Graduate School of Science(Osaka Univ.) or JSPS website.

Research Topics

Single-molecule Sequencing & classification

Combining machine learning for data analysis

Fabrication of functional nano-devices
